ComTel India
E-commerce B2B Web Portal
Front End Design
We offer E-commerce solutions for both large and small enterprises, as well as both B2B business activities.

B2B E-Commerce Web Portal


We offer E-Commerce solutions for both large and small enterprises, as well as B2B business activities.

E-Commerce business is a great way to raise brand awareness, build trust and make the sale.

Business-to-Business (B2B) service is all about selling products and services to Wholesaler/Distributer. It involves creating and distributing relevant and valuable products to the right audience.

Business-to-Business selling products and services directly to Wholesaler/Distributer, without middle person. B2B typically refers to online Seller who sell products and services to Wholesaler/Distributer through the internet.

Key Features of B2B Web Portal


User Friendly Interface

An easy-to-use request quote option

Search and sort to easily find categories

Bargain/Negotiation Panel

Reviews & Feedback


Fully Responsive & Secure

Manage Categories, Products, Quantities, etc.

Seperate Panels for Admin, OPS and SEO

Front End

Over a decade of experience, we have learned with technology and time. We grow with our clients.


Additional Features / Services

Over a decade of experience, we have learned with technology and time. We grow with our clients.
WhatsApp or SMS Service

Payment Gateway Integration
Delivery Service Integration
Gmail / Outlook Mail Integration

Admin Module

Over a decade of experience, we have learned with technology and time. We grow with our clients.

The website's owner, often known as the administrator, is in control of its functioning. The administrator may manage all product information, such as adding product categories, deleting product categories, product images, and product descriptions etc... Admin is also in charge of the operation OPS, merchant, and SEO accounts. Modules that are part of the admin module includes the following:


Admin Login
Admin Profile
OPS Account Creation
Merchant Account Creation
SEO Account Creation
Upload Banner
Category Creation
Unit Creation
Size Creation
Option Creation
Brand Creation
Product Creation
Upload Product Image
Product Details Creation
Update Contact Details
Customers Account
Country Creation
State Creation

OPS Module


The website's owner, often known as the administrator, is in control of its functioning. The administrator may manage all product information, such as adding product categories, deleting product categories, product images, and product descriptions etc... Admin is also in charge of the operation OPS, merchant, and SEO accounts. Modules that are part of the admin module includes the following:


OPS Login
OPS Profile
Product Creation and Updation
Upload Product Image
Product Details Creation and Updation
Order Process
Users Account
Report Section

SEO Module

SEO is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. SEO helps you rank higher in search results and garner more visibility online, making potential customers more likely to click over to your site and convert

SEO Login

Upload Meta & Script

User Module


The term “user” refers to a visitor to our site who wants to purchase or get quote of products. Modules that are part of the user module include the following:


User Login

Update User Profile

Add or Update Address

View Cart

Manage Order

Our Clients


Request Quote
