ComTel India
Data Centre for Automatic Weather Station
Provide accurate and reliable weather data in remote, inaccessible or hazardous locations.

About Data Centre


A data center in an automatic weather station is a physical facility that houses the computing and networking equipment required to process, store, and distribute weather data. This equipment typically includes servers, networking devices, and data storage systems, as well as cooling and power systems to support the operation of the equipment. The data center is responsible for collecting data from various sensors and instruments in the weather station, processing and analyzing that data, and then distributing it to users and applications that require it. This data can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as weather forecasting, climate modeling, and environmental monitoring.

Key Features of Data Centre

  • Data Centre is used to store the data into web server which is coming from the sensors.
  • It records the data which is coming into the form of csv file and convert it into database file.
  • Data can be used to analyse according to the need of customer.
  • It contains admin and user panel to perform various activity.
  • Admin can upload the device which contain various sensors and create the user account.
  • Sensor can be added according to the customer.
  • User can login into the server and see the data.
  • Data can be download into various format to analyse.
  • Graph into different format also Available.
  • Readings can be easily taken direct from the console display

Admin Module

Admin Module

In an Automatic Weather Station (AWS), an admin module typically refers to a software or hardware component that provides administrative access to the station's configuration, settings, and maintenance functions. The admin module is usually used by authorized personnel, such as system administrators or maintenance technicians, to perform tasks such as The admin module is an essential component of an AWS, as it enables administrators to ensure the station is operating correctly, efficiently, and securely, and that the data it collects is accurate and reliable.


User Module

User Module

A user module typically refers to a display unit or a terminal that provides a user-friendly interface to view and interact with the weather data collected by the station. The user module is often a separate unit from the rest of the AWS, allowing users to access and view the weather data from a convenient location, such as a office or a control room.

User Module Features

User Details
Mobile Use
Device Details
Device Data

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